Author(s): Shilpa Kavade, Abhijit Joshi, Priyanka Aher
Ayurveda states its versatility in Vyadhinidana (diagnosis). It has also stated important and unique feature of Ayurveda Sharir (anatomy) i.e. Srotas (channel) which is of immense use in Vyadhinidana, Vyadhipariksha (examination) and Vyadhichikitsa (treatment). Mamsawaha Srotas (channels carrying components of muscle tissue) is one of the important Srotas which get vitiated by wrong habits of eating and sleep. It is observed that in Vyadhinidana, Vihar Hetu (behavioral cause) usually gets neglected .So to study the role of Bhuktottar Diwaswap (sleep after lunch) in Mamsawaha Srotodushti (vitiation of channels carrying components of muscle tissue) survey study was carried out. Taking into consideration questionnaire was given to experimental and control group. It was found that many of the Mamsawaha Srotodushti symptoms are statistically significant. By use of this survey people can be educated about rules of sleep and many diseases can be prevented.