Author(s): Asolkar Geeta Govindrao*, Nikam Ashwin Vithalrao, Pawade Uday Venkatrao, Anjankar Meghsham Pramodrao
Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia Linn.) and its compound formulations are widely used in Ayurvedic classics to treat variety of disease conditions. Information pertaining to the formulations of Snuhi can be traced in various classical texts, under different chapters. In most of the formulations it is used as an ingredient. Snuhi Kshara is a single drug formulation of Upavisha Snuhi mentioned in Rasatarangini and Ayurvedsarasangraha. Kshara obtained from Snuhi is one of its dosage modifications, advocated in classics for therapeutic objectives. Very few attempts are made to formulate Snuhi Kshara. The present work has been carried out to provide the Standard Manufacturing Process and a systematic standardization profile for Snuhi Kshara. Snuhi Kshara was prepared according to procedure described in Sharangadhara Samhita followed by analytical standardisation. Standardization was done using guidelines of API, by employing tests like organoleptic (Colour, Odour, Taste), physicochemical (Loss on drying, Acid-insoluble ash, pH), Assay (Sodium, Potassium, Iron) and Thin Layer Chromatography. Findings of this work may enrich to documentary research as well as act as detailed scientific data about standardization of Snuhi Kshara for further studies.