Author(s): Kasinath Hadimur *, Revanasiddappa S. Sarashetti, Veena G. Kanthi
Shodhana is the essential & primary step to be followed for rasadravyas before subjecting to further procedures. In short shodhana means not only purification to reduce or remove Physical & chemical impurities of the drug but it minimize or eradicate toxic effect and potentiate the therapeutical activity of the drug, because of which the drug will act in a predictable manner. Samanya shodhana of tamra with Nirvapana processing technique was carried out according to Rasaratna samuchaya. After completion of samanya shodhana of tamra patra was converted in to powder form and change in quantity & quality of liquid media was noted. Nirvapana contributes to reduce the particle size, Change in physical & chemical impurities and improving the therapeutical efficacy.