Author(s): Kashinath. Hadimur*, R. S. Sarashetti
Respiration is vital function of body. Clear explanation about physiology of respiration available recently in the beginning of accurate knowledge concerning the physiology of breathing dates back to the 16th century but the physiology available in sharanghadhara samhita written by acharya sharanghadhara & Acharya Adamalla commentator of sharanghadhara samhita. “Brahmaarandramarohatyavarohati” This means sensory & motor nerve impulse movement from respiration centre to lungs for process of inspiration and expiration “shabdaocharananiswasochwaskaasadikaranam” these two stages cause pronunciation of words and cough, hiccough etc diseases. It may be compared to Ventilation stage which involves two sub stages a) inspiration & b) expiration. “Nabhistaha pranapavanaha spustwaa hritkamalantaram” it says that deoxygenated blood collected in inferior venacava at nabhi region enters in to heart through pulmonary vein it circulated to lungs where gaseous exchange takes place this oxygenated blood then circulates to whole body. According to Ayurvedic scholars agni is necessary for life and prananila is not only necessary to maintain the agni it provides shakti, arogya, swastya, bala,utsaha, upachaya, prabha etc Once agni vanished means death thus it means presence of prananila is life & its absence is death. This may correlated with Cellular respiration stage of respiration.