ISSN (Online) : 2277-4572



Author(s): Rakshitha D *, Pallavi K B, Gazala Hussain, Archana Pagad

Bhaishajya Ratnavali by Kaviraj Govinda Das Sen of 18th century is an authentic book of Ayurveda science includes systematic description of diseases along with treatment aspects. Under Kshudraroga Chikitsa Prakarana, detailed information regarding kesharanjana has been explained with description of kesharanjana yoga. This article mainly focuses on the kesharanjana yoga mentioned in this book for better nourishment and coloring of hair. Review on kesharanjana yoga mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali was analyzed and summarized for better usage and understanding. Initially author explains few preparations to apply as lepa (application) over scalp or hairs and later nasya (inhalation therapy) procedure for hair care. Most of the drugs used are rasayana (immune modulator) in nature and has keshya (hair tonic) property which forms the prime factor in using these drugs. Direct application as lepa and also nasya procedure would help in better nourishment and also proper growth of hair. Owing to the properties of drugs used for the preparations which are useful in many conditions of hair problems. By following these yogas and with proper pathya one can get benefited from khalitya, palitya, and other conditions of hair.