Author(s): Saiyad Shah Alam, Waseem Ahmad*, Md Rizwanullah, Mohammad Muzammil
Introduction: A wound can be defined as the discontinuity in skin or mucus membrane. Healing is nothing but neogranulation in the depth and neoepithelialization at the edges of the wound which ultimately results in the complete repair of such discontinuity. This case report deals with a patient of traumatic large wound at the heel who receives Unani management for wound healing. He was diagnosed as avulsion of pad of right heel with type-II diabetes mellitus. The treatment plan included mechanical debridement, cleaning with solution of alum powder (Sufuf-e-zaaj/alusol) and dressing with Marham-e-raal. The patient was advised to continue oral hypoglycemic agent with subcutaneous injection of insulin. On 85th day of treatment, the wound was healed by almost 98% and on subsequent 1st and 2nd follow up, each with a gap of 15 days, no recurrence of wound was recorded. Methodology: A male patient of traumatic wound was taken into study and given Unani management plan which included debridement, cleaning and washing with solution of Alum powder (Alusol)/ or, in Unani, Sufuf-e-zaaj and dressing of the wound with Marham-e-raal with full aseptic precautions for a period of about 3 months. Discussion: Wound healing is credited to muhallil(anti-inflammatory), daf’eta’ffun (antimicrobial), mujaffif (desiccant) and mundamil (wound healing) properties of Marham-e-raal due to presence of several phytoconstituents like camphor, linalool, borneol, cineole, terpenoids, Bergenin, Phenols and flavonoids, hopeaphenol, Oligostilbenoids, Monoterpenes, kaempferol, Quercetin and Catechin. Result: The wound completely healed at the end of 3 months with no recurrence noted on the 15th day of follow up after complete healing.