ISSN (Online) : 2277-4572



Author(s): C. R Amrutha*, Shveta Meena, Sakhitha K. S, K. Shankar Rao

Gastronomy, an intelligent knowledge of whatever concerns with man's nourishment, is a broad and fertile field that is increasingly explored during recent decades. But, far from the ancient period Ayurveda explains the concepts of Matrasan, Aharavidhi, Anupan, Aharakal etc. A compiled knowledge of both concepts will be fruitful for the mankind in different ways. The main objective is to correlate the ancient Ayurvedic concepts and modern gastronomy to establish a food habit for proper nourishment and prevention of diseases. An extensive analysis and compilation of salient information regarding the concepts of food and nutrients were done by reviewing Ayurveda literature, Pubmed and other scientific databases. Ayurveda has its own universally accepted principles, methods and practices revolving around the concept of food. According to that food is one among the factors used to determine the health of an individual. Several examples given in Ayurveda literature in terms of wholesome food supplement (Pathya) are practically indicated in disease management. Understanding of incompatibilities of food materials and processing i.e. Virudhaahara, Prakriti as a key determinant of effect of food on body system, rules and regulations while intake and preparation of food were other gastronomical concepts in Ayurveda. Since the incidences of lifestyle disorders are increasingly demanding a proper food habit, both Ayurvedic and gastronomic concepts can be utilized for a better life.