Author(s): S. Palbag, A. Chakrabartii, S. Dubey, B.K. De *
Shirisha is an important Ayurvedic plant. It is a temperate zone plant that grows well on neutral to slight acidic soil. With optimum agro climatic conditions, use of good quality seed is also required to ensure the establishment of this tree. So it is very much important to maintain the physiological health of seed for the development of healthy seedlings. The physiological quality of the seed is deteriorated mainly due to high temperature, relative humidity and oxygen pressure. In our country availability of good quality seed as a planting material is a major problem for seedling development. Shirisha seed generally harvested in pre-monsoon month and absorb lots of moisture during monsoon month with high temperature resulting in rapid decline of vigour and viability of seeds. Hydration-dehydration treatments are effectively control the deterioration of medium vigour seed. During the present study Shirisha seeds were hydrated with water as well as 10 -2M solution of Salicylic acid, Benzoic acid, KNO3 and NaCl followed by dehydration. KNO3and NaCl solutions showed better results for the maintenance of germinability of Shirisha seed.