Author(s): Lakshmi Hulkund, Shivaling Bendikai, Anand Katti, Jagadeesh MS
Introduction: Obesity is one among the major diseases of Modern era. In the present era with continuous changing life styles and environment, changed diet habits, man has become the victim of many diseases caused by unwholesome dietary habits and Obesity is one of them. In Ayurveda, Lekhana activity is advocated in the management of Sthoulya. Lekhana is defined as dravya reduces or scrapes away the unwanted tissues & metabolic wastes. Ativisha is a lekhana dravya included in lekhaneeya mahakashaya of Charaka Samhita. Vishoshi kashaya shoshana karma, Hence the trial was conducted to compare the efficacy of Ativisha in Vishoshi kashaya form in sthoulya. Methodology: It was a randomized, parallel group, single centre, controlled clinical study. Subjects were randomly assigned in three groups as A, B and C with 15 patients each. Ativisha choorna, Ativisha Vishoshi choorna and Placebo were given to patients of group A, B and C for 45 days. Results and Discussion: It was observed that Group B subjects weight reduction was highly significant when compared to Group A and Group C. the group B subjects. It was observed that vishoshi kashaya yielded better results than choorna. The tikta, katu rasa of ativisha acts as Lekhana & Rukshana respectively. The laghu, ruksha gunas counteract the guru, snigdha, picchila guna of Kapha & meda. Conclusion: In this clinical research ativisha vishoshi kashaya proved more effective than the ativisha choorna.