Author(s): Sabita Sapkota*, Mohan Lal Jaiswal
The aim of this study is to observe and compare the agnivardak activity of Kshar of Swertia chirayata roxb.Ex Flem. And Swertia angustifolia buchham. ExD. Don processed in Mahishmootra. For this study, 40 clinically diagnosed and registered patient of agnimandhya were divided randomly into 2 groups A and B, each group consisted of 20 patients. Group A patients were given kshar of Swertia chirayata roxb. Ex Flem. 500 mg /day in two divided doses for 21 days. Group B patients were given kshar of Swertia angustifolia buch-ham. ExD. Don 500 mg/day in two divided doses for 21days. Follow-up of patient was done on 10th and after 21st days of treatment. Improvement in the symptoms if any and other effects were noted down. Laboratory investigations were repeated in Group A and Group B after completion of the treatment. Observations were made according to the standard Ayurveda parameters selected and findings were recorded in well-designed proforma (Complete history of present illness, family history and past history relevant to the complaints, patient’s age, socio-economic status and hygienic conditions, nature of work, diet, Dashavidhapariksha, etc. in detail with their relative significances concerning the selected disease). Subjective parameters (Self scoring method) taken in the study were Abhyavaharana Shakti and Jarana Shakti. Under Abhyavaharana Shakti Matra and Avritti were taken. Under Jarana Shakti Laghuta, Klamaparigamana, Ksudha, Udgara Suddhi and Vegotsarga. Objective parameters taken were Stool R/E, LFT. Relief in overall signs and symptoms were observed slight better in Group B as compared to Group A.