Author(s): Asolkar Geeta Govindrao*, Nikam Ashwin Vithalrao, Pawade Uday Venkatrao, Anjankar Meghsham Pramodrao
Cancer is one of the dreaded diseases of 20th century responsible for causing most fatalities and spreading further with increasing incidence in 21st century. Ayurveda an ancient science provides many useful remedies for these types of advanced diseases. Upavishas narrated in Agadtantra contribute for many fruitful therapeutic formulations. Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia Linn.) is one among these upavishas is knocking out as an effective Anticancer agent. Traditionally it is mainly used in Kushtha, Udara, Shotha, Pandu, Gulma, Dushivisha, Visha chikitsa. Various In Vitro & In Vivo studies has been conducted to evaluate the anticancer activity of Upavisha Snuhi (Euphorbia neriifolia Linn.) in the form of its extracts. In this study a special emphasis is on gathering details of Upavisha Snuhi from available classical text and assemble data related to the In Vivo and In Vitro Anticancer activity of Upavisha Snuhi.