Author(s): Vinoda V.K. *, Mythrey. R. C.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional GI disorder characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel habits in the absence of a specific and unique organic pathology, rarely associated with microscopic inflammation. Studies have revealed that IBS is a disorder that affects all ages, although most patients have their first symptom before the age of 45. Women are diagnosed with IBS 2 to 3 times as often as men and make up to 80% of the population with severe IBS. Considering this, the study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of matra basti, followed by Laghu gangadhara churna as shamanoushadhi in the Management of Irritable bowel syndrome vis-à-vis Pravahika. It was an observational clinical study with pre and post-test design, consisting of Masura ghrita Matra Basti and Laghu gangadhara churna as shamanoushadhi. The symptoms like, Tenesmus (kunthanasheela mala pravritti), constipation (Baddha mala pravritti), abdominal pain/discomfort (Udarashoola), mucus in stool, gas/ flatulence, and increased frequency of defecation on grading were taken as parameters of assessment. The study consisted of 20 subjects and 2 assessments i.e on 0th day and on 31st day. Statistical results on parameters showed highly significant results on symptoms of abdominal pain/discomfort, tenesmus and flatulence with p value 0.000, and statistically significant result on symptom of mucus in stool, constipation, and increased frequency of defecation with p value 0.012, 0.009, and 0.005 respectively.